Artificial intelligence, along with its promises of efficiency and technological advancement, also poses significant challenges, especially in terms of ethics, security, and protection of human rights.

In this context, the recent adoption of the first United Nations (UN) resolution on Artificial Intelligence represents a crucial milestone in the regulation and governance of this emerging technology.

This resolution, backed by a broad coalition of Member States, seeks to establish a regulatory framework that promotes the responsible and safe development of AI, while protecting the fundamental rights of individuals around the world.

In this article, we will explore in detail the main aspects of this landmark resolution, as well as its significance for the future of technology, society, and human rights globally.

UN regulatory resolution on AI

The resolution adopted by the UN General Assembly on Artificial Intelligence focuses on promoting “safe and reliable” AI systems that contribute to global sustainable development.

Stressing the importance of respecting human rights at all stages of AI development and application, it urges States to refrain from using systems that do not comply with international human rights standards or pose risks to their enjoyment.

It also recognises the potential of AI to accelerate progress towards the Sustainable Development Goals and calls for international cooperation to bridge the digital divide and increase digital literacy in developing countries.

What could be the global impact of this regulation?

The overall impact of this regulation could be significant in several respects:

  • Promotion of ethics and human rights: Regulating artificial intelligence can help protect people from potential abuse and discrimination, ensuring that AI is used responsibly and for the benefit of humanity.
  • Promoting safe innovation: By setting clear guidelines for the development and use of AI, this regulation can provide a safe and reliable environment for innovation, which in turn could encourage investment and technological advancement in the field of AI.
  • Promotion of sustainable development: The resolution recognizes the potential of AI to contribute to the achievement of the UN Sustainable Development Goals, which could lead to the creation of solutions to address climate change, poverty and inequality.
  • International cooperation: By calling for cooperation between Member States, this regulation could foster international collaboration in the research, development and use of AI, facilitating the exchange of knowledge and resources for the benefit of all.
  • Consumer Confidence: Clear regulation can increase consumer confidence in AI-based products and services, which could boost their adoption and use in various sectors, from healthcare to transportation to education.

Why would the UN interfere in the regulation of AI?

The UN could have interference in the regulation of artificial intelligence for several reasons:

Transnational aspects

Artificial intelligence is a technology that transcends national borders and has a global impact. Many of the applications of AI, such as e-commerce, health, cybersecurity, and environmental management, can affect multiple countries simultaneously.

Regulation at the international level is therefore needed to adequately address these transnational aspects and ensure consistency in the application of norms and standards.

Protection of human rights

The UN, as a global human rights defender, has a legitimate interest in ensuring that AI is developed and used in a manner consistent with fundamental human rights principles.

Artificial intelligence can have profound implications for human rights, such as privacy, freedom of expression, equality and non-discrimination.

International Cooperation Forum

The UN provides a unique forum where member states can discuss and negotiate on global issues, including the regulation of AI.

By bringing together governments, international organizations, civil society, and other relevant actors, the UN facilitates cooperation and the exchange of best practices in AI regulation and governance.

Sustainable Development Agenda

The UN has established the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, which includes 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) to address global challenges such as poverty, inequality and climate change.

Given the potential of artificial intelligence to contribute to the achievement of these goals, the UN has an interest in ensuring that AI is used ethically and responsibly to promote sustainable development.

Laying the foundation for safe development and use of artificial intelligence

The first UN resolution on Artificial Intelligence marks a turning point in the way this technology is approached internationally. This move reflects a recognition of the challenges that AI presents in modern society.

By establishing standards that encourage the responsible development of AI, while protecting human rights and promoting sustainable development, the resolution paves the way to a future where AI is ethically and equitably integrated into all spheres of life.

However, this is only the first step on a long road towards creating a robust and adaptable global regulatory environment that ensures AI benefits humanity as a whole.

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