New technologies have changed people’s daily lives, but also that of brands and companies. If they want to achieve commercial success, they cannot be left behind in terms of technology, especially with what has to do with digital marketing, if they want to reach customers through the network. Marketing strategies are constantly being renewed, always looking for actions that attract the attention of consumers, and one of these new techniques that digital marketing brings us is augmented reality, which can help us improve the image of our brand and consolidate our company in front of users to increase our sales.

What is augmented reality?

Augmented reality is a technology that combines the real environment with the virtual environment in real time: through a technological device (computer, smartphone or tablet) virtual elements are superimposed on the real ones, reproducing digital objects, animations or data on top of the environment.

Although it was initially designed for other areas, as a marketing tool many companies have already used this augmented reality technology for 3D catalogs, virtual clothing fitting rooms or games. This new technique applied to marketing not only serves to attract the attention of the consumer, but also provides personalized and valuable content and allows the user to know the characteristics and benefits of the products.

How augmented reality works

There are currently two versions of augmented reality technology:

  • The augmented reality-based dialer, which uses a 2D marker, such as a QR code, barcode or watermark in such a way that when a user points the device at one of these markers, the augmented reality experience begins.
  • Without markers, in which the trigger that triggers augmented reality can be from an image or a location based on GPS information.

Uses of Augmented Reality in Marketing

The uses of augmented reality are numerous, but in digital marketing they can mainly be grouped into three categories:

  • Overlay information, to provide customers with the ability to discover additional information.
  • Virtual objects, so customers can explore products.
  • Digital packaging, allowing customers to be shown information about the product.

Advantages of augmented reality for your company

Introducing augmented reality into marketing strategies can bring many advantages to your business:

  1. Differentiation from the competition. There are still few companies that have implemented this technology in their business strategies, since it is still under development, so those companies that introduce augmented reality in their marketing campaigns can differentiate themselves from their competitors.
  2. Brand visibility and reputation. Augmented reality campaigns get both customers and media talking about your brand, as the experience of interacting with a brand through augmented reality is still a novel experience.
  3. Custom image. Augmented reality makes it possible to create more personal, exclusive and innovative messages, which catches the attention of consumers.
  4. Marketing campaigns that use augmented reality have an average dwell time of 75 seconds, compared to 2.5 seconds for traditional radio and television ads.
  5. Combine physical and digital campaigns. Augmented reality allows you to link the physical experience with your digital marketing campaign, as you can turn a physical ad into a digital experience linked to your digital marketing campaign.

Now that you know the benefits that this technology can have on your business, you just have to dare to introduce it into your marketing strategies and campaigns.

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