Did you know that in Spain 4 million applications are downloaded per day? Year after year, Spaniards are increasingly “hooked” on our smartphones. In fact, there are already 27 million of us who use apps daily. However, being in the ranking of the most downloaded applications is not an easy task. The launches of new apps have skyrocketed and uploading them to the main download platforms does not guarantee that the user will see it and, much less, that it will make room for it on their mobile. It is a sector with very high competition; therefore, if a marketing strategy is not established, it will be difficult to achieve success.

How to get downloads of your App

First, stop and think. The process of creating a mobile app is more complex than it seems. It’s not about having an idea, programming it, and launching it. It is much more. Once you have had the idea, you must reason if it is viable and find a programming professional to shape it. Once the project seems more or less secure, this is where we start thinking about marketing. How do I launch my application? Where? Who do I address it to? Advertising? Free or paid? There are many questions that need to be answered before getting down to work.

1. Create buzz

The strategy should start before the premiere. As if it were a movie, you have to arouse curiosity about the audience to hook them and then download the application. The programming of a “normal” app usually takes between three and five months, although it all depends on the degree of complexity and its functionalities. But while the programmer works, we cannot sit idly by, so we must take advantage of that time to create the maximum possible expectation. Here are a few ideas:


A good option is to design a landing page where you can present your app. That is, a simple website in which the main characteristics of the application are described. This, in addition to serving as a presentation sheet, is useful when it comes to positioning, since the name of your app will be registered in search engines.

Of course, social networks are a perfect channel to publicize any product. So it is essential to open different profiles on the platforms that are closest to the app’s target audience. This is going to be the perfect place to announce the news and progress of the application. In addition, it is important to create a community before the launch to ensure the first downloads.

Audiovisual content is the one that most captures the attention of any type of user. It is a very good idea to make trailers that explain in a more visual and dynamic way the functions of the app, the design of the interface, reasons to download it, etc.

When the app is ready to be uploaded to download platforms, it is advisable to set a release date and prepare press releases for different media. It must explain in great detail what the app consists of and why it is useful for the user. If any media publishes the press release, we will have quite good publicity, since the media have greater credibility.

2. Get downloads

Once the app is available in the stores, the most complicated phase begins: entering the app rankings. Being at the top of the charts is a guarantee of downloads. But since we have already carried out a pre-campaign with all the ideas of the previous paragraphs, the task of maintaining attention is easier. We already have a community waiting to test all the functionalities of the application. So the difficult thing now is to get as many downloads and good ratings as possible. In addition to hooking users beyond the first frame. How?


The first impression counts the most. If the user isn’t drawn to the app in their first few seconds of use, they’ll probably go to the trash as fast as lightning. That’s why you have to think carefully about the design and communication with the user, so a good start would be a small tutorial on how to use it or a message welcoming you.

In stores there is also positioning, but in this case it is not called SEO, but ASO (App Store Optimization). In a strategy of this type, several factors come into play. The title, description, your icon, the category in which you are classified, the keywords we assign to you, and also user reviews are essential for optimization.

Updating the application from time to time (a little, if possible) increases the chances that the user will continue to save a space on their phone. A good trick to be able to update the app easily is to save some functions already developed. That is, at the time of launch, it is best to publish the most basic version, and then improve it little by little.

Again, social networks become one of the best promotional tools. But, this time, we’re going to add a new factor: an
. About 40% of Twitter users admit to buying a product after reading a tweet from an influencer. So making a deal with some influencer to use and show the functions of the application is a very effective way to advertise.

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